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Subdued start for HSS

Shares in UK rental company HSS have had a slow start in their first week of trading on the London Stock Exchange.

The shares launched at the bottom of the £2.10 to £2.62 anticipated price range, giving the company an initial market capitalisation of £325 million. They then dropped to almost £2.05 after the launch on Wednesday, before rallying and are currently £2.07. The stock will be added to our live share price feed today.

HSS chief executive Chris Davies said: “We are delighted to have completed the IPO process successfully and with proceeds from the offer enabling us to accelerate our growth, are excited about our future as a listed business. Our focus now will be on executing our proven strategy, and building on our established track record of industry-leading growth and returns on assets for the benefit of all our shareholders.”

See HSS to go public


Interesting...... It just shows you what a seller thinks or values is irrelevant. After all it is the buyer who will always determine the eventual selling price of any goods or services. Fact!

Feb 8, 2015