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A fantastic new search engine

Vertikal.Net has bought a new search engine, if you notice the search box up on the left; you will notice that it now has two buttons. The first for News will search all of the web news stories in our archive. In other words from these columns.

Our old search engine could not go directly to web stories and was grossly overloaded by the shear size of our database. This new one is as we have said fantastic, a real asset, we think you will like it. The News search engine will not though search the rest of the web site, such as the magazines etc…

So in order to search the rest of the web site, click on the "web site search", this engine is similar to the previous one we had; it uses Google to search the whole web site, and therefore includes the content of five years of Cranes&Access and Kran&Bühne we have on line as well as the library and other areas. It also carries ads for Google, in exchange for its use.

With over 1,000 visitors a day now, Vertikal.Net is a growing resource to the lifting industry. As more regular visitors join, usage of the web links in the Access and Lifting directory is rising as are the number of people seeing and using the banner adverts that we run.

If you do not yet have a web link, please let us know, it only costs €480/£300 a year for both sites and that includes the publication of your web address in every issue of the two magazines. Price for one site only is €280. £175. You can book on line.
