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Bronto steps up Operator Challenge

Truck mounted lift manufacturer Bronto, has had a good initial response to its Operator Challenge 2015 competition, which kicks off at Vertikal Days in the UK in two weeks time.The winner will receive an all expenses trip to the Finland the Bronto Skylift factory.

The centre piece of the competition is the company’s new simulator, which will be used to test operator skills. The simulator is a safe and cost efficient training tool and includes challenging training exercises in a range of realistic virtual environments. It also allows existing operators to practice their skills and learn the controls of new models.
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The scoreboard from last year, this year looks set to be tougher

Ian James of Bronto who is also chairman of the IPAF Vehicle Mounted Manufacturers Committee, said: “The Bronto simulator is the first step towards setting this standard of safety and excellence in the industry. It provides the technology to measure and set the industry standard so that we can benchmark operator skills against it”.

“Producing safe and good quality equipment for people to use is only one part of the puzzle - you need to make sure that they know how to use it and how to use it well. At the end of the day, our aim is to bring people home safely to their families.”

You can learn more about the competition and follow developments on the Bronto facebook page
