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Accidents and harnesses

Reports have been coming in regarding an accident in Italy with a 34 metre. Pagliero truck mounted work platform. It seems that jib and thus the platform, tipped or lurched forward throwing the two operators out of the basket.

Neither appears to have been wearing a harness.

The platform was working on a roof, around eight metres above the ground when it happened. The first managed 36 landed badly, and is seriously injured and in intensive care. The second man fortunately landed on the first one helping break his fall and according to reports he is not badly injured.

Exactly what happed to the lift is not at all certain, investigations are continuing. Reports form the site say that the while it did not hit the ground, the Basket is damaged and there is a dent in boom, which would seem to indicate that the platform was hit or crashed into the wall?

Vertikal Comment

If reports we have from Italy are true, a very unpleasant aspect of this event, is that a competitive manufacturer appears to be circulating emails regarding this accident to users.

Accidents can happen to all types and makes of lift, for that matter to any form of equipment, when it does it is very unpleasant for all concerned, no matter what caused it. Trying to gain commercial benefit from such events is beyond the pale and will often backfire on the perpetrator.

We are in fact publishing this story before we have all of the details in an effort to stem any misinformation.
