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The IPAF Summit

This years AGM and IPAF summit saw the strongest attendance so far, particularly from an international perspective. In the early days of the IPAF AGM and Lunch the turnout tended to be a very British, even English affair. This year though clearly reflected the fact that the federation is becoming a truly international organisation.

The AGM saw the transfer of the presidency from Pierre Saubot, following the completion of his two year term, to Andrew Reid. Saubot said “Two years is a short time, but also the perfect time period, allowing a new person with new energy to keep things moving”

“I had anticipated building a new wing and battlements on the IPAF castle, but have merely managed to place a corner foundation stone for a cottage in the grounds” he continued.
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Pierre Saubot hands over to Andrew Reid

Andrew Reid taking over on his 60th birthday thanked Saubot for his efforts in making IPAF a more international federation. He pointed out that his first efforts in the powered access business were over 30 years ago while at Coles cranes.

Reid stressed the fact that the primary reason of IPAF is to support member’s interests, but he also said that during his two year tenure he wants to see IPAF members adhere strictly to safety standards. “There has been some evidence that some members have cut corners, it is scandalous to hand over a piece of shoddy unsafe equipment” “IPAF is going to get tough on non compliance” he warned.
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New President Andrew Reid lays down the law

The conference hall was full to capacity, with over 250 attendees for the Forum, with a range of first class speakers.
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Full house

Kevin Appleton, CEO of the Lavendon group was clearly a major draw given his company’s recent run of acquisitions. He spoke on the potential for training in the UK as well as elsewhere in Europe, using six years trend statistics from the group.

He pointed out that training had grown at a far more rapid pace than the market for powered access. His belief is that the market for operator training will grow two to three fold over the next 10 years. Much of the growth coming from smaller non construction companies.

He also pointed out that Lavendon, the largest IPAF trainer, obtains roughly two percent of its revenue from training, while recent acquisition Kestrel is over seven percent.
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Ladder Man David Walker of the BLMA

Richard Lockwood the HSE head of construction division gave a strong presentation on the HSE’s aims to reduce the number of injuries from falls among painters and decorators. He pointed out that over 30 percent of painters and decorators admitted to having fallen from height at least once in their working life.

With the cost of skilled workers having risen at the same time as the real cost of powered access has fallen, he felt that the strongest influence to convert painters to powered access was that of improved profitability through greater efficiency.

Gil Male of IPAF made the point that statistics show that EN280 has made machines safer, with the cause of accidents moving from design issues to use. He also highlighted the main areas that are under review for the revision of EN280 include restraint harness anchor points, Control protection to avoid trapping incidents at height, Sliding guardrails as well as good practice recommendations for pivot pin retention and lift and level cylinder design.
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Kevin O'Shea, the "caped crusader"

Kevin O’Shea, the “caped crusader” was another example of the international mix this year, a Scott by birth but now a resident in the USA and part of that country’s growing mast climbing industry. He has been a major contributor to the success of the IPAF training programme in North America.

Joe Henderson, CEO of Hendersons Insurance brokers told the attendees that they were not getting the benefits from the focus on safety that the industry clearly practices. Hendersons is working with IPAF on a number of programmes to change this.

The Forum ended with a presentation from the world’s high diving record holder Oliver Favre, who will be presenting an entertaining display on the IPAF demo area at Intermat.
