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Tree trimmer electrocuted

A man was electrocuted yesterday in Lubbock Texas after he came into contact with an overhead power line while trimming trees in a back alley near the city centre,

The man Bobby Wayne Phillips, 46, was working from a Genie TZ34/20 trailer lift was reportedly working for Greenmaker Landscaping, contracted by a private homeowner. Once the power lines were deactivated the lift was brought down and towed away. Phillips was declared dead at the scene.
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The scene shortly after the emergency services arrived

Vertikal Comment
Incidents such as this are way too frequent – a huge amount of resource has gone into developing secondary guarding systems for boom lifts to help prevent crushing incidents which are relatively rare, and yet no one seems to be doing anything to make existing technology to warn operators of their proximity to a power line more affordable, reliable and practical.


Investigation should reveal how this job was assessed, estimated, sold and planned. One of my favorite sayings taught to me from Bob Krump a great businessman in Colorado is INSPECT WHAT YOU EXPECT.
If the tree work was not part of the original work order did the customer add extra work? Did the contractor suggest the tree work to enhance the property appearance? Would the landscape contractor have had to go rent the lift and put Mr. Phillips up just because he said "I'll do it." Many part and participle questions come to mind as I think about the tragic outcome to what might have been an otherwise good project. RIP Mr. Phillips.

Dec 3, 2015