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Fatal tree trimming incident

An forestry employee of the City of Atlanta, Georgia's, Department of Parks and Recreation died yesterday, while working from a bucket truck.
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The scene yesterday in Atlanta

The man Donald Rembert was hit by a large limb that he had cut free from a tree he was trimming. It smashed the fibreglass platform that he was working from, and sent him falling around 15 metres or so to the ground, with the tree then landing on him.
What happened to any harness/lanyard he might have been wearing is unclear. The Altec platform remained stable and the two parts of the broken bucket remained attached.Rembert had only a few months to go before retiring, after 29 years with the City of Atlanta.
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The fibreglass platform was split in two

In a public statement after the incident Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed said: “I offer my deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Donald Rembert. Donald served the City of Atlanta for 29 years, and worked most recently with the forestry team in the Department of Parks and Recreation. His loss is made more tragic with the knowledge that he was only a few months away from retirement. In his nearly three decades of work for the City, Donald was a caring friend and a valued co-worker. He loved being and working outdoors. He leaves behind an extended family, two children and a brother who serves the City of Atlanta in the Department of Public Works. His son has also worked with the Department of Parks and Recreation as a seasonal employee. His family’s deep commitment to public service is admirable. I have directed the members of my cabinet to conduct trainings over the next several weeks in order to remind all staff of safety protocols for their department and work duties”.
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The limb was substantial
