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First 75m Palfinger pictures

Palfinger has released a little more information on its new 75 metre P750 NX, the largest in its all new NX Jumbo class which will be launched at Bauma next week.

The new machine offers up to 39 metres of outreach and, as with the other models in the Jumbo NX range - the 48 metre P480, 55 metre P550 and the 64 metre P640 –it features a telescopic main boom – in this case probably a five section, plus the long two section top boom/jib and the innovative X-jib with up to 240 degrees of articulation which also allows a platform rotation of 400 degrees.
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The new Palfinger P750 NX in special BMS colours

The details provided by Palfinger are scant, to say the least, but we do know that the unit is mounted on a four axle chassis and comes with a similar specification to the other models in the range, including a fully automatic lubrication system for the lower boom. The first unit appears to have been sold to Danish based rental group BMS.
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The new machine looks a little long in this photo

Vertikal Comment

This new model will be compared to the all new 70 metre Bronto S70XR which is also being unveiled at the show -it offers 37.5 metres of outreach with 700kg platform capacity – on a 32 tonne chassis and an overall length of under 12 metres. The Palfinger looks a little heavier and quite a bit longer than that. However its ingenious X-Jib is a very attractive proposition, as might be five metres more height- so buyers for this size of platform, add this to the new T-750 HF that Ruthmann is likely to have on display and there will be plenty of options for buyers to consider.

It should be an interesting show.
