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A curious boom collision

A collision between a truck and the boom of a truck mounted lift in the town of Obersiggenthal, Switzerland last week is one of the most curious we have come across. Thankfully no injuries were reported.

The incident occurred last Wednesday on the Siggenthaler bridge in the town - which is located between Zurich and Basel. A truck-mounted loft had stopped and set up in the middle lane of the bridge apparently in order to attach flags to poles running along each side if the structure. It seems that the lift operators slewed the partially extended boom across the two open lanes of the bridge at a height only cars or small vans could pass under. No surprise then that a passing truck was caught by the low hanging boom as it swung over his lane.
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The boom had been working over two lanes of moving traffic when the incident took place

It seems that the operator was using the lower controls possibly with the intention to enter the platform from the pavement/sidewalk? Police have appealed for witnesses and confirmed that both the lift and the truck were damaged in the incident, but have not indicated what was going on in the platform operators head.
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A truck collides with the horizontally extended boom

This is one of the most curious incidents that we have ever reported on, if we have been shown the pictures, we might have assumed that this was a case of a loose boom swing out as the machine drove along, but no the unit is jacked up and the boom extended. if anyone locally knows anything more we would be intrigued to hear from you.
