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The Unfair guide is at it again

Beware letters from the Fair Guide, the Austrian based ‘business’ that claims to offer free entries in its guide to the exhibitors at exhibititions.

It does in fact do just that and the update form it provides, takes great care to warn that signing commits you almost €4,000.

Yet every year companies inadvertently end up signing the form committing themselves to €971 year for up to four years.
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Do not be caught out by one of these letters, if you are, you are NOT obliged to pay it

The latest letter is using the SED exhibitor listing and has just gone out with a French postmark.

If you or your employees have inadvertently signed one of these forms do not feel in anyway obliged to pay. You will receive some fairly forceful demands but simply cite the judgement of the Chemnitz regional court See judgement against Fair guide and do not be put of by their bluff and bluster.

As to the guide itself? Yes it exists as a guide to exhibitions around the world, it lists exhibitors at various exhibitions or shows the exhibitions that each company attends. Pretty pointless as it is not complete, not up to date and even if it was, it is hard to see who might find it useful. You be the judge of how useful it might be, just be careful not to sign it inadvertently and if you do, don’t feel obliged to pay.

