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PAT restructures retrofit business

PAT GmbH, one of the world's leading companies producing load moment indication systems for cranes and platforms - has restructured its retrofit business

In future this business will be carried out by the international dealer network - co-ordinated by its head office in Ettlingen.

Since the beginning of last month, German customers have been looked after by PAT-Kruger Systems (Essen) the German branch of the Dutch dealer PAT Kruger Systems ('s-Hertogenbosch).

PAT's chief executive officer Laurence Burns said that 'the indirect sales concept for retrofit has been implemented completely all over the world.'

He says that 'feed back has been positive primarily because PAT's long-term partners have extensive expertise and a direct line to customers'.

The product range includes microprocessor systems and geometry and force sensors for use in cranes, working platforms and a large number of other mobile applications.
