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Quieter deliveries from AFI

UK rental company AFI is to replace the majority of its delivery fleet with low noise vehicles by the summer of 2018.

With 27 trucks due for replacement within the next 18 months, the company aims to have swapped 57 percent of its delivery fleet for low noise vehicles by summer 2018.

Director Nick Higgins said: “We are now specifying low noise options on all new trucks, and aim to operate the entire fleet with low noise engines as soon as it is reasonably practicable to do so. This is in addition to measures already taken such as anti-idle, power packs and audible alarm override which already significantly reduce noise pollution during loading/unloading, parking, servicing and wash down.”
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Delivery vehicles in the AFI fleet

“Fuel usage is our biggest single source of emissions and this is why we carried out extensive trials to find the most fuel efficient vehicles. The new trucks are currently showing an eight percent improvement in fuel efficiency. When you also take into account features such as fold forward ramps to reduce drag and our driver performance systems, our new vehicles have reduced fuel consumption by approximately 18 percent compared to the vehicles that we ran a few years ago.”

AFI currently runs a fleet of 51 delivery vehicles and is adding nine more from Mercedes and DAF.
