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The Access Iron Man

Who is it you wonder? None other than Andy Pearson managing director of AMP Access Ltd of Taunton, He completed the UK Iron man Triathlon at Sherborne Castle in Dorset on the 20th August.

The event involved a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112mile Cycle course and a 26.2 mile run.
Pearson did the race in aid of The Lighthouse Club (South west), raising over £1,500.
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Iron man Andy Pearson of AMP crosses the finish line after over 140 miles

Pearson finished 384th out of a starting line of 1,106, completing the course in 11.59 Hours. The winner, Frank Heldoorn of the Netherlands, finished in 8.37 hours, four minutes ahead of a Swedish entrant. The slowest person to finish took 16.55 hours.

Pearson said “The swim and bike sectors went well but the run was very hard and I suffered big time. It is great to put some thing back in to the industry that we all make a living out of and help people in time of need”.

Congratulations Andy on a fantastic effort.
