Hoogwerkers, clogs and tulips
Over 30 aerial lift exhibitors are attending this years Hoogwerkerdagen in Holland, the second time it has taken place. The event is similar in concept to the German Platformer Days, with visitors made up of only those people who have a significant interest in powered access.
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Hoogwerekerdagen 2004
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The location is the Infra Opleidingscentrum SBW (Infra Park) in Harderwijk, this is just off the A-28 between Amersfoort and Zwolle and is a construction industry training and conference centre. For those coming from outside of Holland it is located to the west of Amsterdam roughly a 45 minute drive from Schipol when traffic is quiet (a rare event these days!).
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Hoogwerkerdagen 2004
In addition to meeting all of the major players in the Dutch powered access industry it is a good chance to see the latest products from all of the major producers, along with some you will not see elsewhere, and to try them out on the soft sandy soil that this part of Holland is made from.
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You won't see this sort of thing everywhere!
The show opens on midday on Friday 15th September and runs till 16:00 on Saturday. The Vertikal Press will be there once again with cameras on the ready.
This is a perfect event to take time and really sample any new products you have your eyes on.
If you have not already made plans to attend, simply go to the top of the left hand column here and you will find direct links to Hoogwererdagen in our Event guide. Along with all the contact details.