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Three sites closed in Chester

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors issued 12 enforcement notices requiring improvements to health and safety standards during its week-long targeted inspection of construction sites in Chester last week.

On three sites standards were so poor that work was stopped completely. The enforcement notices dealt with a range of issues including:

* Poor risk management on site;
* Unsafe scaffolds;
* Risk of falls from height; and
* Unsatisfactory welfare facilities.

HSE inspectors visited various sites in the city to check up on working practices. Contractors had been pre warned that enforcement notices would be served and sites closed down if dangerous practices were uncovered.

HSE construction inspector Rob Hodkinson, who led the visits, said: "We were disappointed with the general standards we encountered and will be looking to make return visits in the future.

Vertikal Comment

It is surprising that in such a small catchment area as the city of Chester, the HSE felt obliged to close down three sites completely due to such a poor level of safety.

With all the publicity and discussion that has gone on regarding safe working at height, how is it possible that contractors who are pre warned of visits by the HSE detailing what they are looking for, still get caught?

The mind boggles
