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Fatal power line incident

A senior lineman working from a truck mounted lift in Beechgrove,Tennessee on Monday died after jumping from the platform

The man, Ray Dean Batey, 58, - a career lineman - was working on the repair of a security light on a power line pole near Beech Grove - halfway between Nashville and Chattanooga – when his composite bucket/platform caught fire. He started to lower the platform, but then appeared to have had no choice but to unhook his harness and jump clear of the flames, falling the final five metres or so to the ground. The emergency services arrived at the scene while he was still conscious, but he died from the injuries he sustained shortly thereafter.
OSHA is conducting an investigation into the incident along with the manufacturers of the bucket truck and Duck River Electric.
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Ray Dean Batey

Michael Watson chief executive of Duck River Electric said: “We do not know at this time how the fire started. The incident is still under investigation. Accidents such as this are a terrible experience, not only for Dean’s family and friends, but also for his fellow employees. Electric linemen have a unique bond. Their jobs are extremely dangerous, and they rely heavily on their own skills and training to keep them safe every day. Batey was an experienced lineman and valuable member of our team, and this is a great loss to our cooperative family and community.”
