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Truck mounted lift to the rescue

The situation looked desperate last week as a group of elderly veterans from the Carshalton Royal British Legion Club in Surrey, England, planned their annual Remembrance Sunday ceremony.

Each year the veterans raise the flag in the rememberance garden of Wallington Town hall. This year though, the flag jammed before reaching the top of its 12 metre pole.

The local fire service was called to see if it could help by climbing the pole to free up the jammed flag. After an initially positive response they were told that the fire departments health and safety rules prevented firemen from using ladders unless it was an emergency
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Orion Access rescued the annual poppy day ceremony

Some of the veterans, ranging in age from 75 to 90, threatened to climb the pole in order to create an emergency. The hope was that as they were rescued the firemen could free up the flag.

In the end a newspaper stepped in and with the help of Kent based Orion Access Services, a truck mounted lift was brought in and the problem was quickley rectified.
