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IPAF appoints Iberian rep

The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) has appointed Romina Vanzi as its first representative for Spain and Portugal
Vanzi is based in Cadiz and has more than five years’ experience in the mast climbing work platform sector, where she was, until recently, export manager for Spanish manufacturer Elevadores Goian.
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Romina Vanzi

Prior to that, she was export manager for Electroelsa in Italy, she is a trained mast climber installer and recently obtained a PAL Card to operate scissor lifts and self-propelled booms.

Vanzi’s native language is Italian and she also speaks Spanish, English, French and German.

“IPAF already has 10 approved training centres in Spain and Portugal, and having Romina on the team will allow us to expand our services in this growing market,” said IPAF managing director Tim Whiteman.

Outlining her plans for IPAF-España, Vanzi said: “I want to introduce the principles of the federation to every single corner of the country. To do that, I’ll be visiting rental companies and manufacturers but above all, I’ll be informing all industries about the need for and availability of certified training”.

“As Spain is the largest market in Europe for Mast Climbers, I will be encouraging manufacturers to offer the IPAF training programme for MCWPs. My goal is to have a training centre in every region in Spain, that is, at least 16 centres.”
