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Universal Spain sold

KPMG confirmed that it sold Universal Plataformas Aéreas over the Christmas/New year holidays but has refused to name the buyer due to confidentiality clauses in the sale agreement.

We can now categorically confirm though that the buyer is Alexander Lawrence Harvey through Yardbourne Ltd the company he owns that purchased the assets of PAS (Powered Access Services) back in 2003.

PAS is managed by David Cadman, one of the three directors and a Shareholder of PAS Ltd when it went into administration in 2003. Neither Cadman nor Harvey would comment or confirm the news.

Harvey also owns Ice Cape Ltd an electrical wiring installation business and the major shareholder in Yardbourne and E.G & R.A Donaldson Transport Ltd both companies are registered in Kettering.

Conleth Farrell the current general manager of Universal Spain will stay with the business and continue to manage it.
