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Oh Dear

A brand new $3 million yacht was destroyed on Tuesday at the Port of Hueneme in Ventura county California. The European built boat was being lifted off of a cargo ship when the crane unloading it toppled over.
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The million yacht dropped from 30 metres up

The crane's driver crawled out from the crane wreck and fortunately no one was injured. The 25-metre yacht weighed around 34 tonnes. Pete Wallace, the port's deputy executive director for maritime services. said: “It was on its way from Europe to a private yacht company in Newport Beach, It was a beautiful boat."

The yacht was reported to be 30 metres above the ground when it was dropped onto Wharf 2 of the port. The port operates a number of mobile harbour cranes but it is not known what type was involved in this incident.

Mr Wallace added: "There is some damage to the dock, but I don't believe it will affect our operations."
