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First Böcker for timber building company

German timber construction company Zimmerie Quistorf has taken delivery of its first Böcker crane with a 2.4 tonne trailer mounted AHK 36

The AHK 36 features a three section main boom plus a three section luffing jib to offer a 33 metre tip height – or 35 metres when fitted with its two metre jib extension. The crane has a maximum radius of 27.3 metres at which point it can handle 100kg. Features includes variable outrigger positioning, self-levelling and remote control drive and operations.
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Zimmerie Quistorf taking delivery of its new AHK 36

Established in 2003 by carpenter Andreas Quistorf, Zimmerie specialises in wood frame construction of buildings, roofs, windows and stairs. The company is based in Fehmarn, a small island on the northeast coast of Germany opposite Denmark.
