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Looking for work?

As we go through these challenging times an increasing number of companies are having to lay off staff, so we thought it timely to remind you that Vertikal and its printed/digital publications offers totally free - no catches - advertising for anyone looking for work or a new job.

It is easy to do directly online from the jobs section OR simply email us at [email protected] and we will take care of it. Our offer also includes an advertisement in the next Cranes & Access magazine, which goes to print at the weekend. If you want to run an anonymous advert that is also possible using one of our post boxes and is all part of the service.

If you are looking for staff, we do make a small charge for this - after all we have to eat somehow! - but it is relatively inexpensive, quick and easy to organise and highly effective. Either post it directly online or email us at [email protected] or call any of our staff for more information and we will take care of everything.

Click here for job postings.
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