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UK Tower crane summit

Senior managers of the UK’s Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA) have met with Stephen Williams, HSE’s Chief Inspector of Construction, as a result of recent concerns over tower crane safety, following the two tragic incidents in London and Liverpool.

The meeting was held to look at legislation, standards and industry good practice, various items were identified for further development, including best practice guidance on maintenance and thorough examination of tower cranes.

The CPA says that this guidance will be drafted, with input from all tower crane industry stakeholders, to produce robust practical information which will contribute significantly to raising standards in the industry, building on the work already carried out by the CPA’s Tower Crane Interest Group in promoting safe practices in the tower crane industry.

CPA chief executive Colin Wood said “Tower cranes have traditionally had a good safety record and are an essential tool for the construction of low and high rise buildings. Unfortunately when tower crane accidents happen, they tend to have serious consequences and we welcome the opportunity to work with the HSE to reduce the small number of accidents that sadly do occur”.

Stephen Williams, HSE’s chief inspector of construction said “HSE is pleased to see industry taking ownership of the need to improve health and safety. We had a very constructive meeting with the CPA and welcome their very positive approach to raising standards and working with us to build on the significant progress they have already made in producing practical guidance for the tower crane industry.”
