Another arborist fatality
We have just learnt of an incident in which an arborist was electrocuted while using an aerial work platform.
The incident occurred on April 22nd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, when Randy Johnson, 58, owner of family firm L & R Tree Service, was working from a truck mounted platform/bucket truck, pruning tree limbs from above an overhead power line. As he slewed the platform into a new position he came into contact with a live power line, and received a massive electric shock. He was rushed to hospital but was later pronounced dead.
Tragically his son, Jeremiah, was working with him and witnessed the whole thing. Speaking of what happened, he said: “He happened to get up in the bucket and just got tangled up in the power line. It happened so fast. I did everything I could.”
A moving tribute to a much loved family man can be viewed at: