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Palfinger CEO reappointed

Palfinger has extended the contract of its chief executive Andreas Klauser for a further five years.

Palfinger’s Supervisory board unanimously agreed the reappointment of Andreas Klauser, following the successful introduction of a new global organisational structure to focus on the company’s implementation and realisation of its Vision & Strategy 2030 which aims to reach revenues of €3 billion by then. Klauser was appointed in 2018, having joined the company from Case IH and Steyr.
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Andreas Klauser

Chairman Hubert Palfinger said: “I am pleased that in the coming years Palfinger will continue to follow the future driven course of renewal successfully set by Andreas Klauser. In the four years that he was appointed the company has set records in revenues and earnings in both 2019 as well as 2021.”
Klauser added: “We have set ourselves clear corporate and financial targets: In 2030, we are aiming for a revenue of €3 billion. As CEO, I am proud to make a key contribution to further sustainable growth and to ensure the successful implementation of our strategy.”
