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Samson acquires Folch Ropes

American fibre rope manufacturer Samson has agreed the acquisition of Spanish fibre rope manufacturer Folch Ropes.

Folch Ropes is based in Llinars del Vallès, Barcelona and was established in 1942 to produce braided ropes for the steel industry remaining in family ownership over four generations. Its products are sold in the safety at height sector, such as abseiling, tree work and climbing as well as shipping/mooring, fishing, mining, defence and industry.

Samson is based in Ferndale, Washington and was established 144 years ago. It has pioneered fibre rope for crane applications and launched its first crane rope in partnership with Manitowoc at Conexpo 2014. Since then, several other manufacturers have approved the rope and now offer it on their cranes.
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Samson launches its fibre rope on the Manitowoc stand Conexpo 2014

The company said: “The combined United States and Spanish manufacturing footprints will enable strategic growth. In particular, the European manufacturing presence will allow Samson to better supply European customers with new technology and localised support.”

Chief executive Christian Rheault added: "We are enthusiastic about the impact of the combined strengths of Samson and Folch. The addition of Folch will not only grow our manufacturing footprint but also allows us to further leverage the success of a strong, established organization that the Folch family has built over the generations."
