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Crane man arrested

Oliver Arnold the owner of Quinto Crane Hire in the UK, until it went into administration last year has been arrested, charged and held on remand.

The press release from the Norfolk Constabulary said:

“A 47-year-old man from Wendling has been charged with several sexual offences. Oliver Arnold, age 47, of Swaffham Road, Wendling, near Dereham, has been charged with four counts of sexual activity with a child aged 13 to 15 and one count of sexual communication with a person under the age 16 in Wendling between 1 August and 31 December 2022.”

“He has been remanded into custody to appear at Norwich Magistrates’ Court tomorrow - 2 February 2023.”

We would remind readers that although this is in the public domain, everyone is innocent until found guilty. For that reason and the fact that the case is ongoing - therefore sub-judice - we are not allowing comments on this item. As soon as the court dockets are released we will update this item.
