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Speedy starts new apprentice scheme

Speedy Hire, the UK and Ireland’s largest tool rental business has launched an apprentice scheme for potential equipment maintenance engineers.

As a trial initiative in the north of England, Speedy has joined forces with Askham Bryan College in York and ConstructionSkills to develop the scheme, which provides students with NVQs and Technical Certificates in Plant Maintenance leading to a full advanced apprenticeship framework following a three year course.

All three parties have invested in the scheme including a £25,000 investment by Speedy Hire in a fully functional replica workshop at Askham Bryan college.

The first 16 entrants to the course were chosen out of 150 applicants and are have been guaranteed jobs within the Speedy Hire network when the qualification has been completed.
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Apprentices Andy Black and Mark Reynolds

Steve Palmer, workshop director at Speedy Hire and the person responsible for implementing the scheme, said: “We’ve worked closely with ConstructionSkills and the college to develop a comprehensive scheme for our apprentices. Each month the students will travel to York for a week of studying and then spend the rest of the month at one of our workshops at their nearest depot to apply what they’ve learnt on the job.

“The grant from the ConstructionSkills means that our students do not have to incur any costs for the qualification, it covers their expenses, travel and accommodation to York as well as any equipment they require.”

All the students will become qualified service engineers within the Speedy Hire business and be responsible for repairing and maintaining the company’s range of equipment, including electrical, diesel and air powered products.

Palmer added: “All our students took part in a rigorous application process, which included forms, exams and interviews in order to secure a place on the scheme. Due to the high demand from the first wave of applications we are already accepting forms for the next academic year and are offering an additional 20 places to potential students in the north.

“In the next twelve months we plan to roll out the scheme across the entire Speedy Hire business.”
