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Big Easy Lifts for Lazio and Sardinia

SkyLift Piattaforme Aeree the Easy Lift dealer for Sardinia and the Lazio regions of Italy, has delivered five larger Easy Lift spider lifts to customers in its region.

Rome based rental company Neg Noleggi, which runs a large fleet of truck and van mounted platforms alongside its spiders and scissor lifts has taken delivery a 26 metre R260 and a 30.5 metre R300. The R260 has an outreach of 13.5 metres, while the R300 has a 14.50 metre outreach.
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The Easy Lift R420 for Sardinian rental company Apetrii Noleggi

Another R300 was taken by Rincar Services, an industrial machinery company that also runs a rental fleet in Frosinone on the south east side of Rome with a depot in Latina a little further to the south, the new lift joins two 19 metre Easy Lift R190 spider lifts.

Sardinian rental company Apetrii Noleggi also took one of the R300s while the Roman company Rent and Works has taken a 42 metre R420 spider lift that offers an outreach of up to 17 metres.

Rent and Works, Neg Noleggi and Rincar Services all specified the Easy Lift winch and crane attachment option that can be swapped for the platform to create a spider crane with a maximum capacity of 500kg. Rincar Services and Rent and Works also specified the higher 300kg maximum platform capacity option.
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The Easy Lift R300 in crane mode
