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New spider lift entrant

Apex this week saw the launch of a completely new Italian spider lift manufacturer, ILC Access Solutions. The company showed its first model - the 18 metre articulated IL 18 - one of two models in the company’s initial line up, the other being the twin telescopic boomed 21 metre IL 21.
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The IL 18

The company was formally established in September and its location in Bari is no accident - all of the key managers were previously employed by CMC which has been growing rapidly in recent years to become one of the top two spider lift manufacturers.
The new IL 18 has a classic twin sigma type riser topped by a two section telescopic boom and articulated jib. Maximum working height is a full 18 metres, while outreach is 8.3 metres at an up & over height of eight metres with the unrestricted platform capacity of 230kg.
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The standard controller

The new machine has an overall width of 780mm, while the tracks can extend to almost 1.2 metres for additional stability when travelling on uneven ground. The outrigger spread is 2.9 metres by 3.15 metres longitudinally, with the ability to level on side slopes of up to 12 degrees.
The overall stowed length is 4.5 metres with the platform removed, while the overall stowed height is just under two metres. Total weight is said to be 2,500kg. Power on the show machine was petrol, but a battery electric version is also available.
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Note the nylon jib and riser rests

The second model, the IL 21 has a working height of 20.8 metres, an outreach of 11 metres at a seven metre up & over height, while the maximum up & over height is eight metres with an outreach of 10 metres. The unrestricted/maximum platform capacity is 230kg.

As far as specification, most equipment is standard, including telematics and remote diagnostics, radio remote controls, outrigger cylinder covers, automatic ‘home’, self-centering, boom stowage, and simplified auto levelling.
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The basket retainer pin

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Safety measures include a microswitch to detect if the pin has been used or not

Vertikal Comment

The new model looks similar to existing models in this increasingly popular and competitive market sector, with a shorter lower riser arm, and longer upper, but comparing it with other models with working heights of 17 to 19 metres it compares very well across the board. The company is stressing the attention to detail it has included, from all internal hydraulic hoses and electrical wiring, nylon riser rest pads and jib retainers to stop ‘jib and boom waggle’ while travelling on rough ground. It also highlights additional safety features such as a triple platform retainer pin retention - comprising lynch pin, swing type plate and finally micro switch warning if both fail.

While this is an excellent first machine from this new company - thanks to it having an experienced team - it will not be an easy ride, with so many companies now competing in what remains a niche product sector - albeit a growing and increasingly global one. Success will depend on how rapidly it can build brand awareness and win the trust of buyers who already have plenty of choice. The crunch factor though will come down to how well it is funded and what sort of access it has to reasonably priced growth capital.


^ Insightful commentary by Vertikal.

Jun 29, 2023