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Böcker celebrates 65 years

German aluminium truck and trailer crane and hoist manufacturer, Böcker celebrated its 65 anniversary earlier this month with an event for employees and ex-employees at its headquarters in Werne, Germany.
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Family owned Böcker was established in 1958 by Albert Böcker, a master blacksmith in Werne, to the north of Dortmund. Albert’s son Robert took over the business and established Alp Lift, he took over the management of Böcker in 1990 and continued to expand the business. Sadly, he passed away in 2014 the business is now run by his son Alexander Böcker who has continued to develop the mobile crane product line and expand production and exports.
The following are a few pictures from the company history and the anniversary celebrations.
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Böcker’s first premises

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The company’s stand at Hanover Messe in 1966

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A truck mounted hoist in 1969

Looking back, Böcker's most notable invention was the inclined ladder hoist with a knee joint, which helped revolutionise roofing.
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An AK 25/650 aluminium crane 1989

In 1989, Böcker entered the crane market with the launch of a lightweight, long aluminium boomed truck mounted crane, followed in 1997 with a trailer crane. It expanded its product range to include rack and pinion hoists in 2005 and today the company employs around 500.
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