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Kalmar reachstackers for Access World

South Africa’s Access World has ordered four Kalmar Eco reachstackers and two ‘Essential’ empty container handlers for its new Durban container terminal. The Eco reachstackers can handle up to 45 tonnes, stack up to six containers high and up to four rows deep. They are scheduled for delivery later this year. They use a smaller Volvo engine than is typical, combined with a much more efficient drive train and three operating modes including Economy. Engine start/stop is also available. The overall result can provide up to a 40 percent reduction in fuel use compared to older machines.
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Kalmar’s Essential empty container handlers can lift up to 10 tonnes and stack up to eight containers high.
The order also includes ‘Kalmar Insight’ - a performance management tool that turns data into actionable, impactful insights - and a Kalmar Complete Care service agreement covering all six machines.
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Access World regional manager Peter Hendriks said: “As we seek to address growing cargo handling volumes, we are conscious of the fact that we must focus on reducing our carbon footprint at the same time. Kalmar’s innovative, eco-efficient equipment solutions will help us to tackle this challenge and ensure the best possible start for our new Durban terminal.”

Byron Meugens of Kalmar Southern Africa, added: “The Kalmar Eco reachstackers and Essential empty container handlers will allow Access World to cut both fuel consumption and emissions without compromising productivity. Access World recognises Kalmar’s commitment to innovation and the pursuit of sustainable container handling, and we are very pleased to continue our partnership.”
