
Happy New Year

The New Year celebrations are already over in Oceania, have moved through Asia and the Middle East and are now underway in Europe. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support in 2023 and to pass on our very best wishes for 2024.

While we all thought 2022 was a challenging year, 2023 has in many ways been more so, with the war in Ukraine continuing, while the attack on Israel, followed by the bombardment of Gaza and a spike in hostilities in the Palestinian West Bank has taken the lives of thousands, while hundreds of thousands of others have been displaced. Economically - high inflation continues, along with rising interest rates in many countries, all of which has added to a growing sense of economic uncertainty.

We are currently polling readers on expectations for 2024 in our rental rate survey - largely limited to the UK and Ireland, so far a majority of respondents remain somewhat positive. We have now opened our more general global poll and would appreciate your input.

But enough of all that, more importantly we would like to pass on our deepest appreciation to all of you who have contributed to our efforts and supported us this past year, and to wish every one of you a very, very happy, healthy and prosperous year in 2024.

Happy New year from all of us at Vertikal

The following video from last year was so good we wanted to repeat it.
