
Scissor overturn

A man was seriously injured earlier this week, when something caused the scissor lift he was working from to overturn at an industrial facility in Altona North, Melbourne, Australia.

The man in his 40s is in hospital in a critical condition, after the scissor stack came to rest on some fixtures, throwing the man forcibly from the platform. WorkSafe Victoria inspectors have investigated the incident alongside the police.

It is hard to understand how the lift went over, an incident like this is usually the result of a collision with another piece of equipment such as an overhead crane. Although it possible that the lift drove into a void. Hopefully the WorkSafe report will provide details on this.

We have received more information on this: The man was indeed working on an overhead crane, and according to one report was testing the crane functions and inadvertently pressed the wrong control button casuing it to travel into the platform. While we only have one source for this precise explanation, others have stated that an overhead crane of some sort was involved.
