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250,000 Pal cards

IPAF has achieved a new record this week. There are now 250,000 people around the world carrying the PAL (Powered Access Licence) card as proof of training.

The federation looks set to issue as many as 70,000 cards this year to individuals who have been trained to the increasingly international standard for the operation of MEWPS.

And joins the Forum

IPAF also confirmed that managing director Tim Whiteman will attend the UK Construction Forum on 17 September 2007 at the Thistle Hotel, Charing Cross, London.

The Forum was convened by the secretary of state for work and pensions, Peter Hain, following a 28 percent increase in construction fatalities reported for 2006/7.
[[link:]]See UK calls for Forum[[Link]]
Follow-up actions will be channelled through the Strategic Forum for Construction Health & Safety Task Group.

IPAF members are invited to send comments or suggestions to Tim Whiteman.
