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New MD at Mateco

Mateco, one of Germany’s leading powered access rental companies has appointed Hans-Hasso Kersten, 50, as its new managing director, following the departure of Dirk Kehler.
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Wolfgang Roth (l.) and Hans-Hasso Kersten

Kersten will report to Wolfgang Roth, chief executive of the Stuttgart based company. Kersten will be responsible for commercial services, including finance, Human Resources, insurance, IT, legal and tax issues.

Kehler joined Mateco in September 2006 as assistant general manager with Roth but departed officially on November 30th.

Odewald & Compagnie a Berlin based private equity company acquired a majority stake in Mateco a year ago and is keen to expand the business throughout Europe. Mateco recently acquired Straub a mid sized German access company based near Stuttgart.
