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Christmas delivery fraud

One of our regular visitors has alerted us to a new type of fraud that the UK’s Trading Standards Office is warning individuals and companies to beware of:

A card is apparently posted through your letterbox from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting that it was unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them to arrange delivery.

The contact number is a premium number - 0906 6611911, although it is likely to change as they aim to keep one step ahead of the law.

The scam apparently originates from Belize, if you call the number and you hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £15 for the phone call.

If you do receive a card with these details, the trading standards office advises you to contact Royal Mail Fraud on 02072396655 or ICSTIS (the premium rate service regulator) at .
