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Magnus Rosén quits Cramo

Magnus Rosén, senior vice president of Cramo Scandinavia, has decided to leave the company for a leading position in another industry. He will remain in his present position until early July, or until a replacement is in place.

Rosén has been responsible for Cramo's equipment rental operations in Sweden since he joined the company in 1997. The last four years he has also been chairman of the operations in Denmark and Norway.

When Rakentajain Konevuokraamo acquired Cramo in 2006, Rosén became a group senior vice president.

Rosén began reporting directly to CEO Vesa Koivula in December following a management shake up. Koivula said: "Although a regrettable decision, the continuity is well provided for. Much to Magnus' credit there is a stable and professional organization in place to handle the business".

The search for a successor will commence immediately. Cramo is one of Europe’s leading equipment rental companies with operations throughout the Nordic region, Russia and Central Europe.
