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Dublin worker in crane climb protest

A disgruntled construction worker scaled a 52 metre crane yesterday in a protest over the pension rights of builders.
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Paul Hansard during the protest

Union official Paul Hansard had been working as a scaffolder for a sub-contractor on the new Sean O'Casey Community Centre at St Mary's Road, East Wall, near Dublin's Docklands. When that firm went bust just a few weeks ago the project developer, PJ Hegarty and Sons, brought in G Mac to take over scaffolding. Mr Hansard, chairman of SPITU’s construction branch in Dublin, alleged G Mac was being investigated for non-compliance and refused to work for them.

“It would be completely inappropriate for me as Chairman of SIPTU's Dublin Construction Branch to work in a non-compliant company,” he said.
Hansard says he acted out of frustration in climbing the crane yesterday morning but feared he may be unable to climb back down. Dublin Fire Brigade assisted him down after lunchtime.

G Mac Scaffolding, based in Strabane, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland, has denied allegations that it was not paying pension contributions for Irish workers. Hansard and his son, Dean, have reportedly both been fired over the risky stunt.
