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Dealer ship changes in the UK

Dinolift, the Finnish based trailer lift and low-weight self propelled boom manufacturer, has moved is UK distribution from Promax Access to The Spiderlift Company, previously Ranger Equipment.

At the same time we understand that Promax has taken on the UK distribution for Bil-Jax the US built producer of trailer lifts and more recently light weight self-propelled lifts.

Vertikal Comment

This i a rare change in that it could just about work out for all parties concerned.

Promax has not managed to satisfy Dinolift’s aspirations in the UK market, where it had hoped to achieve similar results to a number of other markets. Promax found it hard to sell Dino’s trailer lifts against strong domestic competition and a small to minimal market for larger trailer lifts.

Promax will find that Bil-Jax with the benefit of the low dollar will fit better with its other product lines, such as Platform Basket spider lifts and Cela truck mounts and should do well. Bil-Jax on the other hand has found a good UK partner which was essential if it is to generate any volume in what is a tough market.

Steve Hadfield and the Spiderlift/Ranger team are geared up to handle larger more expensive, more niche productsand have a strong track record with the Teupen line of spider lifts. The Dinolift product range will fit relatively well alongside that of Teupen with very little overlap.

Yes it looks like this is one of those changes that should see all four parties being satisfied.
