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NY crane collapse site approved 'in error'

The building where seven people were killed in a crane collapse last month should never have gone up, the city buildings commissioner said yesterday.
See Falling tower crane kills 7

Commissioner Patricia Lancaster said her department approved plans for the construction of 303 E. 51st St. 'in error'.
The 43-story building did not conform to zoning requirements for the mostly low-rise block in Turtle Bay, Lancaster said. She blamed the error on the unnamed plan examiner.

The commissioner made the disclosure at a City Council hearing on crane safety under questioning from Councilwoman Jessica Lappin, who represents the neighborhood.

Department spokeswoman Kate Lindquist said the error was discovered before the March 15 crane collapse, which also injured 24 people and forced the evacuation of 18 homes.

Lappin said she was "deeply disturbed" by the revelation.
"If they had not approved this illegal building, they wouldn't have approved the crane and this tragedy would never have happened," she said.

Lappin said the Turtle Bay Association expressed concerns on Nov. 26 and again on Dec. 5 that the building violated zoning regs.
