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Travel with care - updated

A man in his 50’s was injured yesterday when a narrow aisle spider lift toppled over on him as he moved it on site.

The incident occurred at the Pymble sheltered housing complex at Flaxley Road, Selby, the man had been using the lift to paint one of the buildings and was walking alongside the machine as he tracked it to a new position, The lift flipped over after running over a large traffic cone, landing on the operator.
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The fallen lift, the ladder was used by rescuers to prop up the boom after it was lifted off of the trapped man

A number of people, including staff and parents from the nearby Selby Primary School, rushed to help lift the platform off of the man who was trapped underneath the boom of the lift. They managed to free him before the ambulance arrived. He was taken to hospital and was treated for two fractures to his leg, around the knee and ankle.

Vertikal Comment

Small spider lifts, or cranes for that matter are excellent pieces of equipment which are revolutionising powered access and lifting work in confined areas or where ground conditions do not allow heavy equipment.

However the smallest models with their overall widths of 600 to 800mm and relatively high centres of gravity when stowed do mean that they need to be handled with great care when travelling them on uneven ground encountering a kerb or as in this case when there are obstacles in the way.

It is all too easy especially if travelling at the full speed and then turning them on or near an undulation in the ground, for them to go over and all too often the operator is close enough to get hit.

It is critical that this is brought out during any hand-over and in the relevant training courses. Most users recomend putting the outriggers out and close to the ground if in doubt and of coures space allows.
