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Protestors climb crane

Several protestors scaled a crane and have occupied the site of a proposed incinerator in Newhaven, East Sussex.

Up to 17 people are said to have gained access to the land with two climbing a crane on the site.
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Two protestors climbed this crane at a proposed incinerator in Newhaven, East Sussex.

Yesterday, campaigners packed the London's High Court to watch a legal bid to stop the incinerator being built.

Opposition group Dove 2000 Ltd, Newhaven Town Council and the Lewes branch of Friends of the Earth are opposing the scheme for the waste incinerator which is capable of handling 242,000 tonnes of waste a year. The hearing is expected to finish today

In a statement the county council said: "We hope the review will find in our favour as we are confident that we have followed the correct procedures in assessing the planning applications."
