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Crane tips onto house

A truck crane tipped onto a terrace house on a private housing estate in Singapore yesterday. The owners, a couple and their two children were in the house at the time, fortunately no one was injured.
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The toppled crane

The crane was being used in renovation work on the house next door, it looks as though it was a case of either the outriggers not being fully extended on the side of the tip or an overload.

Following a spate of crane accidents in Singapore this year, the Manpower Ministry is taking a tougher stance on companies which commit safety breaches by automatically taking them to court.

Companies found guilty of safety breaches face fines of up to $500,000 ($351,000) for each offence, while guilty individuals can be fined up to $200,000 ($140,000) or face a jail term of up to two years, or both.

The ministry is investigating into the cause of the latest accident.
