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Nifty moves into Bulgaria

Nifty Lift has appointed Destination Bulgaria Ltd, now trading as Lifto Center, as its distributor in Bulgaria. The company is based in Plovdiv, runs an access rental fleet and has been active in the used and truck mounted lift market for some time.
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The Lifto Center stand

The company kicked off its partnership with Nifty at the recent Plovdiv fair for its exhibit. The distribution agreement was signed between Stefan Cankov, managing director of Lifto Center and Jim Craddock international sales manager of Niftylift.
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Lifts in action at the Plovdiv fair on the Lifto Center stand

The company won a Gold Award at Plovdiv for the products on display, which included the Niftylift Heightrider 12, Nifty N170 Trailer, a Lionlift GT18-10 Truck Mount, Custers aluminium scaffold towers, Paus material hoists and a Ruthmann T370 Truck Mount, reportedly the largest boom lift in Bulgaria, recently sold to the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, where it will be used to help dismantle three old reactors as well as other general maintenance work.,

Destination Bulgaria is also involved in construction and is currently working on a new facility for Lifto Center, which will include offices, workshops and plenty of yard space.
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An artists impression of the new Lifto Center facility in Plovdiv
