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Bernard Hunter adds big Manitou

Bernard Hunter the Gilmerton, Edinburgh based crane hire company, has added a Manitou MHT 10160L to its fleet. The new heavy duty 16 tonne lift capacity telehandler it targeted at the oil & gas industry, where it will be typically handling 8,000 to 10,000 kgs loads, including 12 metre long pipes with diameters of between 300mm and 1,290mm.
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Bernard Hunters new heavyweight telehandler

In order to safely handle such awkward loads, the unit is equipped with a specialist pipe grab attachment. The new machines first task was providing support services at the Sub Sea 7 Spool Base, Leith Docks in Edinburgh.

Jim Rafferty, contracts director at Bernard Hunter said: “The load capacity of the new Manitou is vital to undertake a wide range of heavy lifting tasks, not only in the oil and gas sector but all industries that have a requirement to move heavy loads safely and efficiently. The four wheel drive and steer all-terrain capability is important in these environments, and the MHT has proved to be a highly productive and agile performing machine.”

The lift was supplied by Manitou’s dealer for the area, W.M. Rose & Sons of West Linton.
