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Aichi breaks ground in China

Aichi, the Japanese based aerial lift manufacturer broke ground today on a new plant in China, its second in the country.

The new production company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aichi, established in April as “Zhejiang Aichi Industrial Machinery Co. Ltd” under the management of president Seiji Fujishima, the head quarters are located in Hangzhou.
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L-R seated)Masaya Murata, Takaaki Okano and Shinji Takeuchi (speaking)of Aichi with Jin Sheng Shan -Economic consultant of municipal government, Feng Guo Ming -Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Area Management Commision and Seiji Fujishima,

Aichi already has a joint venture operation in HangZhou, Hangzhou Aichi Engineering Vehicle, based in the Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Area, the same location as the new plant. Hangzhou Aichi is largely targeted at vehicle mounted and specialised lifts for the local market, while the new plant will build Aichi’s mainstream self propelled lifts.
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The formal Ceremony

The ceremony was attended by more than 50 people, including Aichi executives, and federal and local officials. The plant is scheduled for completion by June 2009 and should begin the assembly of Aichi products shortly afterwards.
