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New crane association in OZ

Crane companies in Australia’s Northern Territory launched the Northern Territory Crane Association (NTCA) at Hiab’s premises in Darwin at the end of 2008.

The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) was well represented at the event with president John Gillespie and chief executive Alan Marshall in attendance (CEO).

“It was a worthwhile trip despite the torrential rainfall on the day, although we were under good cover at the Hiab Darwin premises,” said Gillespie. “I was most pleased to be able to present an official plaque from CICA to Cheryl Woodhart on the day, to commemorate the event and the launch of the NTCA,”

“I appreciated the important opportunity to talk to the locals and the interstate guests about the benefits of state and national industry associations - and the good work of CICA’s activities across Australia including CraneSafe, and internationally”.

He added, “A lot of hard work is undertaken by association volunteer committees on behalf of members and the broader industry and along with many others I am passionate and positive about this industry and the future.”

Marshall said: “This is a significant step forward for the Northern Territory operators, and one that has been in the development pipeline for some time thanks to key industry leaders such as Bob Davis, Steven Bailey, Ray Cron, John Gillespie, Jeff Brundell and more recently the fantastic energies of Cheryl Woodhart”
