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Vertikal.Net posts new records

Vertikal.Net achieved new readership records in January in terms of total visitors, pages viewed and bandwidth consumed.

Total visitors for the month were 91,393 just 191 above the previous all time record.
The number of pages viewed totalled 1,396,059, while the bandwidth consumed was 144.24 Gb both new records for the website.

The total number of hits was the second highest on record at just under 4.5 million or to be more precise 4,492,856 hits.

We are currently preparing to launch the new updated version of the website in order to continue to serve you better by adding a number of new features. If testing goes according to plan we will launch the new improved site in early March.

In the meantime if you like what we do and want to support us in a small way, while giving your business a boost, why don’t you sign up for an entry in our online directory, complete with a hot link to your web site? It is by far the best value on the internet at just £175/€280 a year including publication of your name and website in every issue of our magazines.
