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Kone cranes buoyant

East Kilbride based overhead crane manufacturer Konecranes (UK) has issued a preliminary report stating that full year sales for 2008 were 77 percent higher than 2007 and is upbeat about prospects for 2009.

It also says that while growth slowed in the latter third of the year, order intake was still up 37 percent while revenues climbed 20 percent.

During 2008 the company says that it continued its investment programme, helping increase its production capability by 50 percent. Expansion will continue in 2009 with new girder lines being installed and a schedule of other improvements which will enhance the company's output.

Managing director, Gordon Adie said: "While there have been noticeable declines in demand from some industry sectors like Automotive, others continue to expand for us. The Power sector continues to grow and we are also seeing an increase in Waste to Energy projects both here and abroad."

Recent Waste to Energy orders include cranes for: Newhaven near Brighton and Riverside at Belvedere, London; two goliaths for the Thames Jetty to bring in waste for the Riverside plant; and cranes for a WTE project in the Netherlands.
